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Free Heat Pumps Assessment

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Phone: +1 (902) 989-2358
Phone: +1 (902) 240-5387(Chinese)
Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

frequent question & answer

Why does a heat pump make noise while running?

The noise could be caused by the fan,compressor, or other operating components. Reasonable noise levels are withinan acceptable range, but if the noise is unusually loud, it may be necessary tocheck for loose or damaged parts.

Why is the air blown out by the heat pump not warmenough in heating mode?

In extremely cold weather, the heatingefficiency of the heat pump may decrease, resulting in a lower air temperaturebeing blown out. In such cases, using auxiliary heating equipment to raiseindoor temperatures can be considered.

How often does a heat pump need maintenance?

It's generally recommended to performmaintenance annually to ensure the normal operation and efficient performanceof the heat pump. Maintenance includes cleaning filters, checking refrigerantlevels, adjusting the system, and more.

Why does the heating efficiency of the heat pumpsuddenly decrease

A decrease in heating efficiency could be due tosystem malfunctions, refrigerant leaks, valve issues, and other reasons. Timelycontact with professional technicians for inspection and repair is necessary.

Why does the cooling efficiency of the heat pumpsuddenly decrease?

A reduction in cooling efficiency might becaused by factors such as overworking, insufficient refrigerant, or blocked airducts. Checking the condition of air ducts and refrigerant levels and maintainingproper ventilation is the first step to solving the problem.

How energy-efficient is a heat pump?

In heating mode, a heat pump consumes less electricitycompared to traditional electric heaters because it uses ambient heat to warmindoor air. However, efficiency may decrease in extreme temperatures.