Recently,the new 2023 heat pump installation rebate policy for the province of NS (NovaScotia) has been announced. After careful examination, it appears that manyhouseholds can achieve either free or very affordable installations. Today, Ihave summarized all the rebate available for NS heat pump installations, hopingto provide everyone with some reference.


Current RebateCategories and Qualifications:


Currently,there are four rebate programs for heat pump installations, and they can becombined with each other. Depending on individual circumstances, each householdmay be eligible for 2 to 4 rebate progrrame.


The firstprogram is the federal Greener Homes initiative. For specific applicationqualifications and procedures, you can refer to my previous posts on thispublic account. Under this rebate, one heat pump does not receive any financialassistance, two heat pumps receive a $2,500 CAD rebate, and three heat pumpsreceive a $5,000 CAD rebate.


The secondprogram is the federal Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) initiative. Themost important prerequisite for this program is that your home's previousyear's heating system was oil-based, and the primary evidence for this is a12-month record of purchasing 1000L of fuel oil. The rebate amount for thisprogram is $5,000 CAD. It's worth noting that you are not required to removethe oil burner. You can use this money to install the heat pump and upgrade theelectrical panel, among other things. For more details, you can visit thefollowing link:


This programhas income requirements, which are as follows:


Two adultswith one child make a total of three people.


The thirdrebate program is the provincial initiative called the Home Energy Assessmentprogram (HEA). This is the original rebate provided by the province. For themachines listed in our inventory, there is a rebate of $300 CAD for every12,000 BTU. The income criteria are not considered for this program, and allhomeowners can apply as long as it is their primary residence. For moredetails, you can visit the following link:


The fourthprogram is the provincial Moderate Income Top-up rebates, commonly known as HEATop-Up. The rebate amount is based on the type of heat pump – for each 12,000BTU in a ductless heat pump, there is a $1000 CAD rebate, and for a centralheat pump, there is a $3000 CAD rebate. Income criteria are also applicable forthis program, and the income standards are the same as those mentioned above.


For specificapplication details, you can visit the following link: